Here is some free material for IELTS, GRE and English Learning. For practice tests and interactive material, go to our Prep Website. For details on studying abroad, click here. Studying aborad can be life-changing, but it can be a confusing process. Let us help you!
GRE Material
Resources for the ultimate GRE preparation. From Analytical Writing Assesment topics to videos on the GRE format, we have it all here.

GRE Word List 1
PDF DocumentFrom Eleemosynary to Chthonic learn 40 wierd and wonderful words from this list. They are those rare, wonderful and useful words that can convey precise meanings and can add pizzazz to your language.
Pool of Issue Topics
PDF DocumentIssue topics for the GRE. The topics come from the official pool and nowhere else! When practicing for the GRE, do so only from this list of topics. They are constantly updated to match with the official pool!
Pool of Argument Topics
PDF DocumentArgument topics for the GRE. The topics come only from the official pool. When practicing for the GRE, do so only from this list of topics. They are constantly updated to match with the official pool!
GRE Word List 2
PDF DocumentFrom Lupine to Ursine to Minatory here are 40 more wonderful words that can add an animal flavour to your language. Besides, if you want to talk about something scary about to happen, this list is for you.
DownloadIELTS Material
Band Descriptors · Brochures · Information Booklets · Test Prep Videos · Other Useful Stuff
WT2 Band Descriptor
PDF DocumentThe Band Descriptors tell you where you stand, and why you stand there. Do not prepare without these!
DownloadSpeaking Band Descriptor
PDF DocumentWant an 8 in speaking? This is the Rosetta Stone that will help you understand how to figure things out.
DownloadWT1 Band Descriptor
PDF DocumentWriting Task 1 can be incredibly confusing. Take the confusion out. Know what the examiners want.
DownloadOther Material
Resources to help you understand and learn other aspects better. From evaluations to books to other sundries, they are all here.

Writing Evaluation
PDF DocumentSupercharge your vocabulary list with the most important GRE words.
DownloadWriting T1 Evaluation
PDF Document | AcademicA sample evaluation of the IELTS WT1 for an overview of all you need to be ready for!
Pool of Argument Topics
PDF DocumentThe full list of Argument topics for GRE. This is all you need!