There is one aspect of language that many trainers do not focus on - an aspect that is unavoidable, and when used correctly, a lot of fun. What is it? Let's dive right in!
Let's start with clearing a common misconception and giving a basic definition. A definition of what, you may ask. Well, read on, and everything will become clear!
Slang is a type of language that people use to communicate with each other in a more casual way. It’s like a secret code that only some people understand. Slang words are often used by young people to sound cool or to fit in with their friends.
Some slang words can be harmless, while others can be inappropriate or offensive.
It’s important to be careful when using slang and to make sure that you’re not hurting anyone’s feelings or using words that you don’t understand.
Knowing this is even more important. In India many people use the word slang to indicate a particular kind of accent, pronunciation, or dialect. That is not correct. Slang refers to language that is used in a casual manner used by certain groups.
A dialect is a variety of a language spoken in a particular geographical area or by a particular group of people. Slang, on the other hand, is an informal nonstandard variety of speech which consists of newly coined and rapidly changing words and phrases. It is regarded as very informal and therefore, more common in speech than in writing. Slang is typically restricted to a particular context or group of people.
In a survey conducted in 2022, Millennials and Gen Z ranked learning a new language as the third and fourth most important skills to learn in the new year. However, it can be difficult to improve a language you don’t use regularly, especially when you face negative comments from fluent relatives and don’t have many opportunities to practice. This can make it feel like you’re losing your ability to speak the language over time.
So, there is no doubt that learning a new language can be tough, but it doesn’t have to be. One way to do it is, instead of trying to be perfect, think of it as an adventure where you get to explore the world and learn new things. It’s okay to make mistakes and not know everything. In fact, it’s better to make mistakes because that’s how you learn. And if you want to make it even more fun, you can try learning some slang words. Slang is like a secret language that people use to talk to each other in a more casual way. It’s a great way to make new friends and sound cool.
Accept and understand that mistakes are a natural part of language learning. So do not try to avoid mistakes, embrace them, and learn from them. It is important not to repeat them!
Here are some cool slang words and sample sentences that will help you understand that context and how to use them!
My friend told me an eye-popping story this morning.
Stop being a chicken Sita, tell Ram you like him and ask him out on a date!
The auto-rickshaw driver tried to con me thinking I was new to the city.
You are such a con! I thought you were really unwell. You did not have to play a prank on me to make me come and visit you!
The auto-rickshaw 🛺 driver tried to con me thinking I was new to the city. But no dice.
I asked amma if I could buy new shoes for the party, but she said no dice.
I love being a couch potato on weekends, especially if my girl-friend comes home.
We had a ball at the party last night.
At First Academy, we take pride in being the best training centre for international exams. Being at the forefront of test-prep and the best for IELTS coaching, and the most awarded coaching centre for SAT and OET, we understand the importance of slang. But, remember one thing, slang okay to an extent in speaking, but it is rarely used in writing.
Also, remember that slang is always informal, and it might work against you if you use in forma academic settings. For more information on slang, or if you wish to take a one-to-one speaking test for IELTS, PTE, OET, or any other English exam, you can simply click here!
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