Sample Response

IELTS General Writing Letter Writing Band 9 Sample

Apr 17 2022


IELTS General Writing Letter Writing Band 9 Sample - First Academy

Dear Sir or Madam,

I am writing to report the loss of  a valuable personal item on one of your trains.

The item is a small black leather wallet with the brand name ‘Urban Limit’ embossed on the front. Inside was a library card, a credit card, a swipe card for the gym, a student. I.D. card and my driver’s license – all in my name. There was also a little cash: about $25 in all.

I must have lost the wallet between 4.15 pm and 4.30 pm while travelling southbound on the Wyndham Line on Friday afternoon (15 May). If I recall correctly, I was in the second carriage sitting near the front.

Could you please let me know if a wallet of this description has been found? My phone number is 099 304 2442. If you have it, please keep it in a safe place and I will make arrangements to collect it at your earliest convenience.

Thank you.
Yours faithfully,
Joe Black

Word Count: 154


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