
Help with writing everything from an essay, a letter, a report, you-name-it.

Positive and Negative Development Question

Here is a writing sample with complex sentences and excellent use of vocabulary. Both these elements will definitely boost your writing score to Band 8 and beyond!...

Two Questions in One - WT2

Here is a sample answer to this Cambridge IELTS Writing Task 2 - real exam question. In this post several key words have been highlighted. These words demonstrate flexibility and precision that is nee...

How to Paraphrase Better

Paraphrasing is simply a restatement of the information of the original text or passage so that it has the same meaning, but in “your own words”. The phrase “in your own words” indicates that ...

Writing Sample with Top-Grade Vocabulary

Here is a writing sample that is an embodiment of good word use and native-level English...

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