
Our musings about reading. The pains and the pleasures!

Reading Question Types

As long as it is a language test - the language, and the name of the text notwithstanding, reading is clearly one of the most, if not the most, challenging section. Here are some of the common questio...

Reading Comprehension Tips and Tricks

The full primer of understanding reading comprehension questions - no matter which exam you are taking. Dive in...

10 Must Know Concepts for Reading Comprehension - Part 2

The second part of a two part article on how to be better prepared for exams like GRE, IELTS, SAT and more. These concepts are commonly repeated concepts in these exams....

Paraphrase – Understanding – ????

The test is in 4 Parts. Answer the questions as you listen. Fill in the answers in the blanks below!Audio : full PD...

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