Language and Grammar

From Vocabulary, to Grammar, to Writing Tips. Everything about language goes here.

Vocabulary Exploration

Here are some interesting words that you could use to describe different situations, people and things. These are definitely among those words that will make you seem articualte!...

12 Words to Boost Your Exam Score!

The article showcases a rich vocabulary, employing words like "apex" and "bacchanalian" to paint a vivid picture of Ibiza's transformation. It goes beyond mere definitions, using context to illustrate...

By vs. Because

Many test takers and learners of English are often confused between 'By' and 'Because'. This simple post will help you understand the difference between the two!...

Connecting Words in Writing

In this post we will look at the use, abuse, and the right use of connecting words. Read on to know more about how to write both with and without connecting words....

Idioms for a Better Score

Idioms are a group of words whose meaning cannot be understood from the literal definition of the individual words. They are unique to each language and culture, and often reflect the history, values,...

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