Language and Grammar

From Vocabulary, to Grammar, to Writing Tips. Everything about language goes here.

Gerunds and Infinitives

This is one of the most overlooked concept in English. Understanding this will instantly improve your understanding of complex sentences. This concept confuses most learners of English and mastering t...

Common Mistakes in IELTS - Articles

one of the most challenging aspects of the language to teach is the use of articles. Articles are small words that are used to indicate the presence or absence of a noun....

5 tips to instantly improve your IELTS score

These 5 tips will instantly improve your language and make you ready for any English language exam like IELTS, PTE, DET, OET, or TOEFL....

10 Words You Must Know for your next English Exam

There are some words you must know irrespective of which competitive exam you are taking. These words are important for IELTS, GRE, TOEFL, Digital SAT, PTE, OET, and More....

Verb Tense and Verb Mood - Quiz

Here are some questions on Verb Tense and Verb Mood. These questions are important for any English test. in IELTS, using these correctly are important in Writing and Speaking. In SAT, there are a spec...

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