
common mistakes in ielts

Language and Grammar

Common Mistakes in IELTS - Articles

one of the most challenging aspects of the language to teach is the use of articles. Articles are small words that are used to indicate the presence or absence of a noun....

Language and Grammar

Their | There | They’re

We at First Academy have the fortune of learning on the job. As teachers of English, we are naturally among the first to encounter the most common mistakes people make and encounter them on a regular ...

General Interest

There or Their?

We at First Academy have the fortune of learning on the job. As teachers of English, we are naturally among the first to encounter the most common mistakes people make and encounter them on a regular ...

Language and Grammar

Few vs. A Few

Small things often make a big difference when it comes to the score you are going to get. One such element, and an element which invariably mak...

Language and Grammar

By vs. Because

Many test takers and learners of English are often confused between 'By' and 'Because'. This simple post will help you understand the difference between the two!...

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