Premium Reading Article

12 Words to Boost Your Exam Score!

Sep 15 2024


The article showcases a rich vocabulary, employing words like "apex" and "bacchanalian" to paint a vivid picture of Ibiza's transformation. It goes beyond mere definitions, using context to illustrate nuanced meanings, aiding reader comprehension and vocabulary expansion.

12 Words to Boost Your Exam Score! - First Academy

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Ibiza, once the apex of party islands, is undergoing a transformation. Beyond its reputation for hedonistic revelry, the island holds a rich history of sanctuary and tolerance, attracting artists, hippies, and those seeking refuge.

Today, Ibiza is shifting towards a more sustainable and conscious form of tourism, focusing on wellness, culture, and natural beauty. The island's unique allure lies in its captivating stories, blending hedonism with myth and inspiration. Discover how Ibiza's evolution reflects a broader shift in travel motivations, inviting visitors to experience not just pleasure, but also wonder.

The Power of Words

The article on Ibiza demonstrates how thoughtfully chosen words can elevate our understanding and appreciation of a subject. By weaving in words like "apex" and "bacchanalian," the author paints a more vivid and nuanced picture of the island's transformation. Moreover, the inclusion of etymologies adds another layer of depth, allowing us to trace the roots of these words and gain insights into their historical and cultural contexts.

As you continue your reading journey, pay attention to the words that authors employ. Each word is a potential gateway to new knowledge and understanding. By exploring their meanings and origins, you'll not only expand your vocabulary but also deepen your connection to the written word.

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Vocabulary from "Ibiza: The Party's Over"

1. Apex

Meaning: The highest point or peak; the culmination or climax.

Explanation: It often refers to the most successful or powerful point in something.

Sample Sentence: "By the time I arrived in 2010, Ibiza had become the apex party island."

Etymology: From Latin apex meaning "tip, summit, peak."

2. Bacchanalian

Meaning: Characterized by or relating to drunken revelry; riotously festive.

Explanation: It describes events or behavior marked by unrestrained merrymaking and often indulgence in alcohol.

Sample Sentence: "I went to yacht parties and bacchanalian after-parties."

Etymology: From Latin Bacchanalia, the festival of Bacchus, the Roman god of wine and revelry.

3. Discerning

Meaning: Showing good judgment or taste; able to recognize subtle differences or quality.

Explanation: It implies having the ability to make careful and informed choices or assessments.

Sample Sentence: "The shops and restaurants appeal to the world's most discerning visitors."

Etymology: From Latin discernere meaning "to separate, distinguish."

4. Distilled

Meaning: Extracted the essential elements or meaning; purified or concentrated.

Explanation: It refers to the process of refining or condensing something to its most important parts.

Sample Sentence: "I distilled all this into 12 motivations for travel."

Etymology: From Latin distillare meaning "to drip down."

5. Eroticism

Meaning: The quality or state of being erotic; relating to or tending to arouse sexual desire or excitement.

Explanation: It encompasses the sensual and sexually suggestive aspects of something.

Sample Sentence: "I distilled all this into 12 motivations for travel: curiosity, inspiration, happiness, mentorship, serendipity, hardship, service, empathy, healing, wonder, eroticism and hope."

Etymology: From Greek Eros, the god of love and sexual desire.

6. Ethically

Meaning: In accordance with principles of right and wrong conduct; morally.

Explanation: It pertains to acting or behaving in a way that is considered morally good or acceptable.

Sample Sentence: "Ibiza's ethically conscious consumers want their money to fund tourism that's both environmentally and socially sustainable."

Etymology: From Greek ethikos meaning "moral, ethical."

7. Hedonistic

Meaning: Devoted to the pursuit of pleasure and self-indulgence.

Explanation: It describes a lifestyle or philosophy centered on seeking pleasure and gratification.

Sample Sentence: "Nearly all travel marketing focuses on just one motivation — hedonistic happiness."

Etymology: From Greek hēdonē meaning "pleasure."

8. Mentorship

Meaning: The guidance and support provided by a mentor, an experienced and trusted advisor.

Explanation: It refers to the relationship between a mentor and mentee, where the mentor shares knowledge, experience, and wisdom.

Sample Sentence: "I distilled all this into 12 motivations for travel: curiosity, inspiration, happiness, mentorship, serendipity, hardship, service, empathy, healing, wonder, eroticism and hope."

Etymology: From Greek Mentor, the name of Odysseus's trusted advisor in Homer's Odyssey.

9. Serendipity

Meaning: The occurrence of events by chance in a happy or beneficial way.

Explanation: It describes the fortunate and unexpected discovery of something valuable or pleasant.

Sample Sentence: "I distilled all this into 12 motivations for travel: curiosity, inspiration, happiness, mentorship, serendipity, hardship, service, empathy, healing, wonder, eroticism and hope."

Etymology: Coined by Horace Walpole in 1754, based on the Persian fairy tale "The Three Princes of Serendip," who were always making discoveries by accident and sagacity.

10. Subcultural

Meaning: Relating to or denoting a cultural group within a larger culture, often having beliefs or interests at variance with those of the larger culture.

Explanation: It refers to a distinct group within a society that has its own unique values, practices, and often style.

Sample Sentence: "The clubs that were ground zero for world-changing subcultures."

Etymology: From Latin sub meaning "under" and "culture."

11. Subsumed

Meaning: Included or absorbed into something larger or more comprehensive.

Explanation: It implies being incorporated or integrated into a larger entity or system.

Sample Sentence: "Every industry was subsumed into the tourist economy."

Etymology: From Latin subsumere meaning "to take up, include."

12. Tolerance

Meaning: The ability or willingness to accept or respect the beliefs or practices of others.

Explanation: It signifies the capacity to endure or put up with something, especially something unpleasant or different from one's own beliefs.

Sample Sentence: "Its history of tolerance and sanctuary."

Etymology: From Latin tolerantia meaning "the power of enduring."


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