The full primer of understanding reading comprehension questions - no matter which exam you are taking. Dive in
In any reading comprehension task, irrespective of the exam you are taking, questions focus broadly on 4 Important areas. In other words, these are the areas that you are being tests on. These are areas that require you to really 'understand' the text. Here are the four areas.
If you look at question in the IELTS reading comprehension section, they usually fall in to the first and the second categories. You do not have questions that look at implied information or tone or mood. These are the easier questions.
If you look at tests like OET, since it is aimed at a slightly more advanced audience, there is another question type that is included that is the implied information. Questions in this category could be asking you for the purpose, meaning of a particular word in the context, or questions based on inference.
In the next section we will look at the most common forms the questions take. Broadly speaking, there are 10 forms. They are listed below.
For most of us, reading the question does not always make it clear as to what the question is asking for. In that case, here is some commonly used phrasing and an explanation of what that means and what the question is looking for.
Here are 6 surefire ways to improve your score in the reading comprehension section, no matter the level or the passage or the exam being attempted. Taking these into account will surely boost your score!
The test is in 4 Parts. Answer the questions as y...
4 years ago
The test is in 4 Parts. Answer the questions as y...
4 years ago
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