How to use high-level vocabulary and impressive idiomatic expressions to get a great score in speaking. Be it IELTS, TOEFL, PTE, or OET.
• What the weather is like.
• Why you like this season.
• What activities you usually do during this season.
• How different kinds of weather in this season affect people.
If it is a good season, there are lot of rains. For most people in the city, the rainy season heralds a time of water-logged roads and traffic jams. Weather-wise, the temperatures are usually in the high-twenties. Since the city where I live is not coastal, the humidity makes the weather plesantly cool.
The rains make everything look clean and new. It scrubs dust of the leaves of trees and the pollutants off the air. Everything feels crisp and alive. Trees look greener than ever, and flowers and leaves are always a sight to see with drops of water on them. I associate rains with life, movement, power, and plenitude.
Before the rains arrive I like to be prepared to tend to my home garden and once it starts raining, I usually start adding new trees and plants to the garden. I make time to sit by the window an watch sheets of water cascade down to earth and flow in rivulets into once-dry streams and into rain-water pits. I go on drives to enjoy the wind in my hair and the water on my face.
As for others, though rains provide us with much needed, and always-scarce water, people look upon this season with distaste since this is the time when badly cured walls start to leak, badly maintained buildings start to crumble, the roads are washed away and there is the constant threat of flooding, water-logging and being caught unawares in rain. All in all, most are unhappy.
As for me, I am transported into a world of bliss!
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