Words, Words, Words!

30 Words that Every OET Test-taker Must Know

Sep 03 2024



Boost your OET vocabulary with these 30 essential words every test-taker should know.

30 Words that Every OET Test-taker Must Know - First Academy

Preparing for the Occupational English Test (OET) requires not only a strong command of grammar and language structure but also a robust vocabulary. To help you excel in your OET preparation, we've compiled a list of 30 essential words that you should familiarize yourself with. These words have been carefully selected based on their frequent appearance in OET materials and their relevance to healthcare contexts.

Essential Vocabulary for OET Success

Let's dive into the list:

WordMeaningSample Sentence
scourgea cause of great trouble or sufferingThe disease was a scourge that swept through the population.
wroughtcaused (something bad) to happenThe storm wrought havoc on the coastal towns.
formidableinspiring fear or respect through being impressively large, powerful, intense, or capableThe mountain climbers faced a formidable challenge.
erebeforeWe must finish our work ere the sun sets.
blasteddestroyed or ruinedThe explosion blasted a hole in the wall.
gnarlydifficult, dangerous, or challengingThe surfer rode a gnarly wave.
insidiousproceeding in a gradual, subtle way, but with harmful effectsThe disease had an insidious onset, with symptoms appearing slowly over time.
cascadea series of events or actions occurring one after the otherThe economic crisis triggered a cascade of bank failures.
falterstart to lose strength or momentumThe runner began to falter as they approached the finish line.
sporadicoccurring at irregular intervals or only in a few places; scattered or isolatedThere were sporadic outbreaks of violence in the city.
elusivedifficult to find, catch, or achieveThe solution to the problem remained elusive.
grimforbidding or uninvitingThe news from the front lines was grim.
succumbfail to resist (pressure, temptation, or some other negative force)He finally succumbed to his injuries.
plaguedcause continual trouble or distress toThe project was plagued by delays and cost overruns.
pressingrequiring immediate attention; urgentThere is a pressing need for more affordable housing.
heededpay attention to; take notice ofThe warnings were not heeded and disaster struck.
resoundingunmistakable; emphaticThe proposal was met with a resounding yes.
conceptualizeform a concept or idea of (something)It's difficult to conceptualize the vastness of space.
tidea powerful surge of feeling or trend of eventsThe tide of public opinion turned against the government.
debilitating(of a disease or condition) making someone very weak and infirmThe effects of the illness were debilitating.
hallmarka distinctive feature, especially one of excellenceThe company's hallmark is its commitment to customer service.
depleteuse up the supply or resources ofThe long drought had depleted the water table.
lethargicsluggish and apatheticThe heat made me feel lethargic.
stagnant(of a body of water or the atmosphere of a confined space) having no current or flow and often having an unpleasant smell as a consequenceThe air in the room was stagnant.
dankdisagreeably damp, musty, and typically coldThe basement was dank and smelled of mildew.
chow downeat enthusiasticallyWe were all ready to chow down after the long hike.
debilitatemake (someone) weak and infirmThe illness debilitated him for weeks.
niftyparticularly good, skillful, or effectiveThat's a nifty little gadget you've got there.
amidstsurrounded by; in the middle ofThe house stood amidst a beautiful garden.
vernacularthe language or dialect spoken by the ordinary people in a particular country or regionHe wrote in the vernacular so that everyone could understand.

Final Words

Mastering these 30 words will significantly enhance your vocabulary and improve your performance in the OET. Remember, consistent practice and exposure to these words in context are key to retaining them. So, make sure to incorporate them into your daily OET preparation routine.

Good luck with your OET journey!

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