When it comes to non-academic activities, Ivy League universities often look for students who demonstrate a well-rounded profile and a genuine passion for their interests, Here are 7 ways to prepare your profile
While there is no definitive list of activities that guarantee admission, here are 7 examples of non-academic activities that can help you stand out from most of the rest!
1. Leadership Activities: Engaging in leadership roles can demonstrate your ability to take initiative, work collaboratively, and make a positive impact. From starting a club to starting a non-profit organisation to being the leader of a particular activity, to being engaged in political activism could help improve your profile if you are looking to get admitted into top schools in the USA.
2. Sports: Participating in sports showcases qualities such as teamwork, discipline, and perseverance When you talk about sports, it need not always be a national or a regional team, even if it is your participation in a school team, it will do, as long as you can prove your dedication to achievement – it has the potential to make a difference.
3. Creative Pursuits: Having a creative pursuit can really help add that missing zing to your profile. Any art from theatre to creative writing which can demonstrate both artistic ability and passion for creative self-expression can be invaluable. Whether it is a set of stunning photographs you have clicked or a music competition that you have participated in or something creative that you have come-up with, showcase all of those in your application!
Understand what works best for you from those who have lived and worked in several western nations!
Talk to Us!4. Community Service: Engaging in an activity that helps your local community can be something that can really boost your profile. It could be some volunteering activity at an animal shelter or helping the homeless or clearing trash in a pristine forest location or helping the underprivileged have access to education or water, there is a lot you can do to showcase your community spirit!
5. Internships and Research Opportunities: These are important to show that you are dedicated to the subject you are planning to pursue. Internships are one way to demonstrate that you are passionate about what you plan to pursue even when you are outside the classroom. If you do not readily have an internship opportunity, you could consider presenting a research paper or even publishing one.
6. Travel and Cultural Experiences: Many are surprised as to how travel can help boost one’s profile. In India, we usually associate travel with leisure and fun. However, travel assumes more importance than we give credit for. Exploring different cultures and participating in cultural exchange programs can be a sure way to showcase your open-mindedness and adaptability.
7. Entrepreneurship: While the other elements have been presented in no particular order, there is a reason why we are putting this at the end. As someone who is planning to pursue an undergraduate degree, you might not have the time for entrepreneurship if you have been fully engaged in academics and are pursuing an undergraduate degree right after-college or shortly after college or high school. So do not worry yourself about this.
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Situated in the east-coast, Fairleigh Dickinson Un...
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