What to and what not to write in an SOP are questions that confuse candidates seeking admissions. So what should a good statement have? The bottom line is that, just as every person has had different experiences, every university, and every program, and every chair has different expectations from the SOP. Here are some general expectations.
However, the general rule is that an SOP should be about you as a potential student at the university, and not about what made you who you are, or about what has always interested you as a child.
Here is what Wrexham Glyndŵr University has to say about what the SOP should be all about:
Translation - The selection committee does not have time to read biographical novellas or cinematic presentations or a show reel of your life. Keep it to the point. A page or a page and a half should be good enough. Try not to write more than two pages. If you want to keep it absolutely on point, a 5 paragraph SOP should meet most requirements.
Translation - An SOP is not a platform to showcase your spelling-bee prize-winning skills, or your vast, mind-boggling range of vocabulary. If those fancy words come to you naturally and fit in the flow, great! Do not put in extra effort to use big words. Despite all the good intentions, it is a huge turn off for most readers.
Translation - Do not copy. Just do not. Your friend's sop is her/his story. Not yours. The same is the case with words. Make the SOP yours. It should be like a tailor made suit. Made to fit you perfectly. If you are too lazy to write your SOP, the department might want to be too lazy to give you an admit. Also, it is now incredibly easy to detect plagiarism. Do yourself a favour, and make one for yourself, or get one made! Do. Not. Copy. EVER!
Here is an SOP that got Sirisha Chandra into an Ivy League university.
Read the EssayIt is very easy to ask someone to write a great essay. But actually doing it is very difficult. This post has a sample of a great application essay of a candidate who got an admission into an Ivy League university!
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