
IELTS August 2020 - Writing Task 1 Academic - Sample Band 9 Answer

The bar chart above shows the production of the world’s oil in OPEC and non-OPEC countries. Write a short report for a university lecturer describing the information shown below.  Write...


IELTS August 2020 - Writing Task 1 General - Sample Band 9 Answer

One of your friends lives in another country. You want to spend some time working in that country. Write a letter to your friend. In your letter, you should: describe why you want to work in that ...


IELTS - Writing Task 1 - Letter Band 9 Sample

You work at an office and you need new equipment to do your job well; write to your manager about this. In your letter: explain about the equipment you need say why you need it say what you want ...


IELTS - Writing Task 2 - Band 9 Sample

IELTS Real Exam question about arts and school. Here is a Band 9 response....


IELTS August 2020 - Writing Task 2 Question - Sample Band 9 Answer

Writing task about the environment. Words related to animals. Use of rhetorical questions....

Language and Grammar


Understanding idioms can make or break your score. Idioms do not always work when translated literally. That is one of the reasons why they pose a challenge to new learners of language....

General Interest

Togo (2019) - Review

We also spend time watching movies. All work and no play makes us dull people. So, it is time for play....


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A lot of us worry about SAT. Some of us worry as parents, and the others as test takers. Whichever classification we fall into, one thing is certain, the main reason for worry, apart from the basely h...

General Interest

Lockdown Trains and Furniture

Sometimes, the trains of thought derail, collide, and do fun stuff....

General Interest

Coronavirus Vaccine

Idle wondering and information from around the world....


IELTS Band 9 sample 8 - Task 2

Question #8 More and more children are becoming involved in crime today. Society must be concerned with this. What do you think are the reasons behind the increase in crime and what could be d...


IELTS Band 9 Sample 7 - Task 1 - Graph

Question #6 The bar graph below gives information on the number of children and older people as a percentage of the population in two different years, 1971 and 2002. Summarise the information ...


IELTS Band 9 Sample 6 - Task 1 - Graph

Want to know what sentence variety is all about in Writing Task 1? This sample response will give you a good idea....


IELTS Band 9 sample 5 - Task 2

Question #5 Today, many families find it necessary for both parents to go out to work. While some say the children in these families benefit from the additional income, others feel they lack ...

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